Aktuelle Studierende im Excellence Track

Janek Both

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Research interests: High energy physics, Quantum field theory, Data analysis, Collider phenomenology.

Darius Fenner

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Research interests: Neutrino physics and quantum technologies.

Kitzia Hernandez Curiel

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Research interests: Experimental Nuclear and Hadron Physics, Simulation and Data Analysis, Structure and Reactions of Strong Interacting Matter

Shumit Mitra

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Research interests: Experimental astroparticle physics and cosmology, detector design for exotic BSM matter, WIMPs, Dark Photons, and ALPs.

Danaheb Navarro Durán

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Research interests: Hadronic physics and the quark structure of the pion, such as the study of PDF and DA in a low energy scale. Im also interested in flavour physics and quark physics at higher energy scale.

Immo Reis

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Research interests: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Structure, Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions.

Judit Rodriguez

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Research interests: Particle Physics, the Standard Model, Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, Cosmology, Quantum Gravity.

Siddhanth Shishodia

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Research interests: Amorphous Solid Ice, Lasers, and Soft matter physics.

Nikhil Vijayan

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Research interests: Spintronics, Orbitronics, and nanoscale imaging of solid state materials

Aakash Warke

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Research interests: Experimental Quantum Optics, Quantum Communication using Continuous Variables, Nonlinear generation of quantum entanglement