Aktuelle MPA-Fellows und Kollegiaten

Riccardo Bartocci

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Forschungsinteressen: Physics beyond the Standard Model, Effective Field Theory, Flavour Physics
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth

Patrick Deucher

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Forschungsinteressen: Neutrino Physics, SHiP Experiment (SBT): Development of novel Scintillators and wavelength-shifting Materials for low-background Particle Experiments
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm

Kaustav Dutta

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Forschungsinteressen: Experimental Particle Physics, Neutrino Astronomy, Machine Learning
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Böser's group

Max Ferré

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Forschungsinteressen: Theoretical High Energy Physics, Flavor Physics and QCD
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert

Konrad Franz

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Forschungsinteressen: Ultracold neutrons, neutron lifetime, neutron detection
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Dieter Ries

Anne Mareike Galda

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Forschungsinteressen: Physics beyond the Standard Model, Axion-Like Particles, Chiral Perturbation Theory, Standard Model Effective Field Theory
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert

Christopher Gerlach

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Forschungsinteressen: Theoretical High Energy Physics: Cosmology and BSM

Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller

Romy Grünhofer

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Forschungsinteressen: Theoretical High Energy Physics, Effective Field Theories

Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert

Felix Marvin Keil

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Forschungsinteressen: Spectroscopy, New States Of Matter And BSM Physics
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti

Alexey Nikolajewitsch Kivel

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Forschungsinteressen: Axion and ALP-Phenomenology, Elementary Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Dr. Felix Yu

Nikita Kozyrev

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Forschungsinteressen: Relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, neutron skin and deformation effects, ALICE and CBM experiments
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti

David Maksimovic

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Forschungsinteressen: Core-Collapse Supernovae, Multi-Messenger and Neutrino Astronomy, Gravitational Waves, Machine Learning and AI
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm

Brunilda Muçogllava

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Forschungsinteressen: Ultra‑cold neutrons, Detector design and calibration for high‑rate precision hadron experiments, Micro and Nanotechnology
Forschungsgruppe: QUANTUM, Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl

Haris Avudaiyappan Murugan

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Forschungsinteressen: GPU filter farm, camera alignment system, lepton flavour violation, BSM physics
Forschungsgruppe: Mu3e Collaboration, Prof. Dr. Niklaus Berger

Miroslava Mosso Rojas

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Forschungsinteressen: Supersymmetric localization, gauge theories, string theory, quantum K-theory, mathematical physics
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Hans Jockers

Asa Nehm (they/them)

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Forschungsinteressen: DUNE experiment, detector design and development, neutrino detection
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Alfons Weber

George A. Parker

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Forschungsinteressen: Neutrino phenomenology, Beyond the Standard Model physics, Reactor neutrinos, Supernova Neutrinos
Forschungsgruppe: THEP, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kopp und ETAP, Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm

Saskia Plura

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Forschungsinteressen: Dark Matter searches, Axions and Axion-like particles, Development of Monte Carlo Generators, Detector simulations
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Achim Denig

Patrycja Potępa

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Forschungsinteressen: Experimental Particle Physics
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott

Aleksandr Pustyntsev

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Forschungsinteressen: Quantum gravity, gauge theories, quantum anomalies and symmetry breaking
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Marc Vanderhaeghen

Hassan Qureshi

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Forschungsinteressen: Muon Physics, precision BSM physics and Machine learning
Forschungsgruppe: QUANTUM, Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl

Ophir Ruimi

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Forschungsinteressen: Experimental particle physics, nuclear astrophysics, plasma physics, BSM physics, ALPs searches, earthquake prediction
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker und HUJI/Fundamentale Wechselwirkungen AG, Prof. Dr. Guy Ron

Hendrik Schürg

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Forschungsinteressen: precision laser spetroscopy, cooling and trapping of atomic hydrogen, nuclear charge radii of the lightest elements
Forschungsgruppe: QUANTUM, Prof. Dr. Randolf Pohl

Asit Srivastava

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Forschungsinteressen: T2K Experiment, Event Selection and Reconstruction, Neutrino Oscillations
Forschungsgruppe: ETAP, Prof. Dr. Alfons Weber

Rakshya Thapa

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Forschungsinteressen: Polarized electron source, Polarimetry, Laser technology for accelerators
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Kurt Aulenbacher

Jennifer Trieb

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Forschungsinteressen: Photocathodes for accelerators and surface treatment of semiconductors
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Kurt Aulenbacher

Sascha Weber

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Forschungsinteressen: Particle Cosmology, Baryogenesis, Dark Matter, Physics beyond the Standard Model
Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Julia Harz