The international summer school will take place again in the Benedictine abbey "Frauenwörth" on the lovely Chiemsee island Frauenchiemsee in Bavaria/Germany from September 18 to 23, 2016.
The Summer School will be jointly organized by the excellence cluster PRISMA and the Graduate School Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions.
Lectures and topical talks will be presented by world-leading physicists in the fields of experimental particle physics, theoretical particle physics, mathematical physics and cosmology.
Following the lectures in the morning, we will have several slots for PhD students in the afternoon for presenting research to peers and supervisors.
Confirmed speakers
Wolfgang Altmannshofer | University of Cincinnati | Flavor physics |
Matthias Bartelmann | Heidelberg University | Cosmology |
Claude Duhr | UC Louvain | Amplitudes |
Eckhard Elsen | CERN-Director for Research and Computing | tbd |
Andreas Hoecker | CERN-ATLAS | Experimental particle physics |
David E. Kaplan | Johns Hopkins University | BSM |
Andreas Kronfeld | Fermilab, TUM | Lattice gauge theory |
Wolfgang Kühn | Giessen University | Detector physics |
Walter Winter | DESY Zeuthen | Neutrino physics (theory) |
Link to event page on ⇒ INDICO with more detailed information!